Holly distributed the Hunger-Fullness Continuum one afternoon during Meal Time Therapy to unravel our eating from our emotions, to reduce it to something purely physical.
0 - You are wobbly and dizzy. You can hardly think. Most people have to go all day without food to get close to being a 0.Everyone despised her; she was a dumb fucking bitch. We were all there because we valued being zeros so greatly that we were willing to die for it.
1 - You are still very hungry. You are irritable and cranky.
2 - You are very hungry, on the verge of a starving feeling.
3 - You could definitely eat, but you're not on the verge of collapse. The urge to eat is strong.
4 - You are only a little hungry. Your body is sending you messages that you might want to eat.
5 - You're not hungry, but not satisfied just neutral. If you stop eating now, you will need to eat again in 1 to 2 hours.
6 - You are a notch past being neutral. You could definitely eat more.
7 - You are feeling more satisfied getting full. If you stopped here you would need to eat again in 4 to 5 hours.
8 - You are quite satisfied-full, in fact. If you stopped eating here, you wouldn't need to eat again until at least 5 to 6 hours.
9 - You are becoming uncomfortable. You could force down another three bites but your body no longer wants anything.
10 - Your body is screaming, get me out of here! This is no fun anymore. If you eat anymore, you will explode.
And so we battled with each other to be better zeros. In a day or two, the continuum was trashed.
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